What is the Communication strategy of Coca Cola? Know the secret

What I want to share are the 3 simple factors that make a huge difference when it comes to creating a message that captivates your audience in a way that makes you a benchmark in your marketplace.

Let’s take a look at these 3 factors built into the marketing strategy of the large soft drink company: Coca-Cola. : Communication strategy of Coca cola

What does Coca-Cola really sell?

You know that feeling when you’re playing sports, you’re in a race, playing that football or you’re in a circle with your friends beating up that yummy, fun-filled conversation, and at the end of it you open that most famous soda bottle of all Did I feel refreshed by it?

For what you do not know is that all this sensation is embedded in you well before you choose a soda and even before you have “that thirst”.

Coca-Cola, in turn, has a powerful marketing strategy to attract customers in a subtle way and you will discover in this article.


What’s so different in the communication strategy of Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola as well as Apple, Google, Uber and some companies that are authorities in their market practice 3 factors that we will now analyze in depth.


Factor 1 – Consumer Experience – Marketing Strategy

Every company has a market mission and I’m not talking about simply putting what all their competitors put into their products forever.

We’re talking about differentials and things that will make your client look at you differently.

One of the examples that “ordinary” companies do when they talk about their missions is to say something like:

– My mission is to give good service;

– My mission is to make the person leave with my service ready;

And that’s what makes the situation worse.

Let’s discuss the true Coca-Cola mission you saw in this video that gave you a unique experience.

Coca-Cola’s mission is to:

  1. Refresh the world;
  2. Inspire moments of joy and optimism;
  3. Make the difference.

Did you see their mission in the video just above?

If you have been able to understand that first factor within the marketing strategy is because you are ready to go to the 2nd factor.

Factor 2 – Sell Happiness

What does your product or service offer to your potential customer? What is the real benefit?

We are not talking about product features like: My product does X, my product does Y …

What will actually make your customer buy from you and not from your competitor?

The real benefit is the experience, the feeling of getting that product or service. It’s the change he’ll have after buying or hiring a service.

Let’s look at an example:

What should a dentist focus on when selling your dental bleaching service to your client?

He must sell happiness! That’s what you read.

How does the patient feel when doing a tooth whitening? How will he feel?

Surely he will feel more cheerful, confident in being able to smile more, will feel more beautiful …

This is what you should focus on when creating your message and not simply try to sell it:

This devalues ​​your work, makes your market obsolete, and is still underpaid for a service that could be a differential in one’s life.

Factor 3 – Getting to know your audience well, including pain, problems, and solutions

This is one of the factors that combined perfectly with the other 2 last ones which makes it almost unbeatable.

Our Paulo, you’re exaggerated, huh ?? !!

No, I am not!!! Look at Coca-Cola and think everything I said.

Most companies do not know how to do good marketing by not knowing the true “cause” that your product or service promises to solve.

You need to know the pain of your client and what makes you wake up to get up in the morning and move on.

Coca-Cola, in turn, works this well because she knows her audience very well.

It simply works on the excitement they provide to their consumers like a family reunion at Christmas (really tough stuff these days), achieving goals, having a perfect company and enjoying perfect moments …This concludes the communication strategy of coca-cola.

Do you understand the relationship of getting to know your audience so well?

You need to very well describe your potential client to the point of creating the message so direct to him that he begins to see you as an authority in your market.

He will buy from you, buy again, buy more once and so he will see you being a reference to his life.

The first step for you to actually begin to have the most powerful message for your business is to attend the Face-to-Face Workshop “How to Have an Irresistible Brand” and learn more about your customer.

I hope that with this short article you can improve the process of your message and get a better result in your campaigns from now on.

Share your feedback here below in the comments and let us know more about what you found in this article.

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