Marketing Mix of Google

Check out the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion of Google and understand how well they use it to make it differ from its competitors

Marketing Mix of Amul

Did you know Amul owns 85% market share in the butter market?

Get to know how Amul's Marketing Mix helped it attain this unassailable lead on its competitors.

Marketing Mix of Adidas

Despite facing fierce competition from its competitors like Nike, Puma etc, Adidas still manages to have a strong brand equity and loyalty.

Find out how and what factors enable it.

Marketing Mix of Nike

Check the out the 4Ps of Marketing Mix of Nike - How factors like Price, Place, Product, and Promotion help it steer through the changing times and customer needs

Marketing Mix of McDonalds

Founded in 1940, McDonald’s is an American food company and the world’s largest restaurant chain by revenue. Find out what factors help in making McDonald's in becoming the largest restaurant chain

Marketing Mix of Coca Cola

The consumers are shifting their preference from sugary aeriated drinks to healthy alternates, check out how Coca-Cola is transforming its business/products to meet the changing customer and business needs.

Marketing Mix of BMW

Check out the Marketing Mix of the world's leading luxury car manufacturer.

Marketing Mix of KFC

It surely is "Finger Licking Good".  Learn about the 4Ps of Marketing Mix of KFC and how these elements helped it become a brand that we know today.

Marketing Mix of Nestle

It surely is "Finger Licking Good".  Learn about the 4Ps of Marketing Mix of KFC and how these elements helped it become a brand that we know today.